Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Convention
M O D E L      C O N T E S T
CATEGORY*NMRA Judged & Popular Vote Category Definitions
Steam LocomotiveAny locomotive receiving propulsion from the expansion of steam.
Diesel & Other LocomotiveAny locomotive receiving propulsion from an internal combustion engine.
TractionAny locomotive or car receiving propulsion from an external source of electricity.
Structures: On-lineAny class of structure serviced by the railroad (requiring track access).
Structures: Off-lineAny class of structure not necessarily requiring track access (Commercial, industrial, residential).
Passenger CarAny car in a passenger train, including head end express cars, non- Traction powered trolleys and interurbans.
Freight CarAny car used to transport revenue.
CabooseAny car used on the rear of the train utilized by the train crew.
Non-revenueAny car used for the purpose of maintaining the right-of-way and associated structures.
Mini-DioramaAny module of 144 sq inches or less
Module/DisplayAny other size of module, typically 2 ft x 4 ft
*NMRA judged entries are eligible for a 1st through 3rd plaque for scores 87.5 and above
CATEGORYAdditional Popular Vote Only Category DefinitionsAWARD
Convention SpecialConstruction Truck Vehicle (1 entry/member max)Trophy
Journeyman AwardUnder 18 Yrs (Promotional) (1 entry/youth max)Trophy
Colorado AwardBest Representation of Colorado RailroadingPlaque
Best Train6 ft maximum length (1 entry/member max)Certificate
Model PrintBlack & White or ColorCertificate
Prototype PrintBlack & White or ColorCertificate
Arts & CraftsRailroadiana, Needlepoint, and GeneralCertificate
Railroad PassBest Pass for Layout/Operating Layout/Model RRCertificate
1st Highest ScoreDuane Miller AwardTrophy
2nd Highest ScoreFred Carlson AwardTrophy
3rd Highest ScoreRocky Mountain Region AwardTrophy
87.5 - 107 Pts1st-3rd CategoryStandard Plaque
108 - 119 Pts1st-3rd CategoryPremium Plaque
120 - 125 Pts1st-3rd CategoryElite Plaque

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Popular Voting will be performed Friday evening, during and after the Friday evening Board of Directors meeting. During
the meeting, PLEASE be courteous by voting quietly, which will be very much appreciated. Note that the Popular Voting
includes 3 Special Awards; the Convention Special for Best Construction Truck Vehicle (Dump Truck, Cement Mixer,
Crane-Truck, etc.), the Best Representation of Colorado Award (Any model that is representative of Colorado Railroading),
and the Journeyman Award for best model of anyone under 18 years of age.


NMRA judging will be performed Saturday evening, following a quick dinner by the judges after the Train ride.
The contest room will be closed to others during judging.


All models MUST be picked up immediately following NMRA judging. Judging will be complete Saturday evening
at approximately 9 PM or possibly later. It is the responsibility of the modeler to have their contest model picked
up late Saturday evening, because we will not have the room on Sunday. Modelers that fail to have their model
picked up and require shipping for return to the modeler, will be responsible for a minimum $20 shipping charge
for a mailed return.

Last modified 31 January 2017